It's been 365 Days...
Warrior: God doesn't give the hardest battles to his toughest warriors, he creates the toughest warriors through life's hardest battles. Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, remember how far you have come, remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome. We are unbreakable, wise, courageous, brave, and strong. You are a warrior

Surgery Day - August 20th, 2019
This day was absolutely the scariest day of my life. I mean I had already birthed a child, had back surgery and went through an ectopic pregnancy what else could be scarier than a 5+ hour surgery? The night before surgery my doctor called to walk me through everything, we went over when I could eat, drink and what to expect. It made me feel more comfortable and a little relieved to hear from her.

7 Days later - The Ups and Downs
I will forever remember these words, NO CHEMO. Thank God. I still had to get confirmation from the oncologist but those were the only words I really wanted to hear besides you can take a shower. My doctor did say I still might need radiation and we will get confirmation from the medical oncologist and radiation oncologist in the next few weeks but things are looking up

Feel it on the First!
It all starts with early detection! I am the one that felt the lump on my breast and if I wouldn't have notified my doctor things may not have turned out the way they did!!
Here are directions on how to complete self-exam

The #Boobtruth
It was a June morning and I felt something on my left breast (I never did self-checks but now I promote them to everyone) and called my doctor. With my family history and what I described, she made an appointment to see her the next day and once I saw her she ordered a mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy. Six days later I heard the words YOU HAVE BREAST CANCER.

Why Life Insurance Is So Important
The great thing is I also know a thing or two about life insurance and how different things in your life can hinder you from getting the best coverage. Most people wait until something happens to prompt them to get life insurance and this is the worst way to approach it. You don't really need life insurance unless you have dependents or some sort of financial obligation that if you passed away would be passed on to someone else.

How a cancer diagnosis hasn't stopped my health and fitness journey
I don't think we can ever prepare ourselves for a cancer diagnosis or any other devastating bad news, but I have to credit my investment into personal development and self-love in helping navigate through this time in my life.
You see, 3 years ago I was struggling with my self-esteem, the lack of success on getting pregnant and the blame game on why my life wasn't were I wanted it to be. I had to take a hard look in the mirror and realize that I was sabotaging my own life. Since that day that I decided to take control of my life and make the necessary changes required to move forward and I haven't looked back.

How Personal Development Can Help
I hear this all the time… I don’t need self help…Umm it’s not like we are shaming you are saying you “Damn girl you need help.. read a book”