I hear this all the time… I don’t need self help…
Umm it’s not like we are shaming you are saying you “Damn girl you need help.. read a book”
I was that girl! I was out to lunch with a good friend last week and she ask me.. how did you get to where you are at….
Oh girl let me tell you!! I was the first person to doubt personal development.. any book that I had to walk over to a spiritual book section or self help for that matter was not happening…. my husband did sooo much personal development I thought it was ANNOYING…
Until one day I picked up this … I started reading and couldn’t put it down.. from that book it was 2 more.. and I just continued to read and read or listen and listen (audio books in the car are the )
I got here because I realized what was holding me back.. that the pressure I was putting on myself to have another baby and it not happening was killing me and my family.. that we needed to step back and enjoy life!
Now we celebrate each day… we appreciate the time we have with each other and how lucky we are to have one another..
We even added Rizzo to our family! He is crazy but he helped us through the hardest times. What is meant to be will be.. I ca only change the things I’m in control of… and let go off the things I can’t!
So one someone’s says to me I don’t need that… I politely say you will figure it out and hand or send them a book!
My girls in my virtual gym hear it all the time and when they are giving up on themselves or need help through the journey they just need to check the mailbox because 9/10 times they have a book waiting for them right when I know they need it!
So if your a doubter like I was… find the book that resignates with you and your life will forever change! xoxo~ Julie
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