It's been 365 Days...

Warrior: God doesn't give the hardest battles to his toughest warriors, he creates the toughest warriors through life's hardest battles. Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, remember how far you have come, remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome. We are unbreakable, wise, courageous, brave, and strong. You are a warrior

Working Out While Trying to Conceive

This is a HUGE struggle, should I workout while trying to conceive especially during the two-week wait. It’s hard enough dealing with the fact that EVERYONE around you is pregnant and thinking it’s all your fault that you aren't. My out is exercising. 

Nothing to do with Luck

You don’t need to do all the things 100% every day but you need to do small things 1% better then you did the day before. Here is the thing… If you make small adjustments to small things they turn into big things (and this can be in either direction). I am going to use my journey as an example.

The Unexplainable

Two months ago I started having some pain in my left armpit and it would randomly show up. I just thought it was sore from my workout or something. About 5-6 weeks later I felt a small mass in my left breast. It wasn't anything big and I would just keep an eye on it. Well after a few weeks it felt bigger and hurt a little more. I told my husband I think I should make an appointment.